....Looks pretty harmless doesn't it? A simple slip...no big deal...just whip it up in no time! HA!!!!!!
A couple of ideas collided this morning and the resulting thought seemed like a great solution!
Idea 1: I have a Clavin Klein slip that is forever old, but I love it. It is a simple knit, single layer, nothing fancy, but it works. I have tried to replace it on several occasions, but everything I find has some kind of heavy duty spandex body shaper thing going on...I just want a plain ol' slip, thank you.
Idea 2: We are heading out on another adventure next week and there are several 'schmancy' dinners that will require, well something schmancy! Because whatever I take will be folded up in a suitcase I decided a simple sweater with a lace skirt would be appropriate and wouldn't require too much besides a couple of shakes and maybe a few minutes in a steamy bathroom.
Solution!!! Make a lace skirt (already have a piece of black chunky lace that will do nicely) AND a neutral slip to wear under it, which will act like a lining for both the skirt and the sweater. I thought it was brilliant!
I started with the slip....
Making a copy of the CK slip was really simple, like making paper doll clothes. I'm thinking I'll have this project wrapped up and packed by noon! A few seam samples, yep going to need that stretch needle, here we go. First up finish the front and back necklines. I'll just use my handy dandy Steam a Seam and turn the edges with a twin needle, Bingo....or not....every stitch wedged the fabric further and deeper into my bobbin case. Plan B. How about a sheer ribbon edge, perfect...or not...the ribbon went onto the edge just fine, pressed it, ouch, the steam shriveled the ribbon to about half it's original length. Plan C. Use better ribbon. Way to heavy! Plan D. A folded edge of the slip fabric...Ahhhhhh, but wait, did I just sew the front on the wrong way!???? Arrrg!
I finally got the necklines finished, the right way around, and went on to tackle the straps. I'll just skip to Plan F....1/2" tube with a twin needle stitch down the middle. It's now 4:15 in the afternoon!!

My simple little, innocent looking slip had turned into an early Halloween scare fest! I did every single step not just twice, but three or more times. I had more thread in the trash than in the slip! At some point it just became me or the slip! It was sheer stubborn determination that finished the #@$##@! thing. BUT, I am glad that I persevered because in the end I really am happy to finally have a simple little slip with no spandex. AND, I have to say that I simply adore the 'bug mounting' pins from Merchant and Mills. They were lifesaving working with slimy knits and sheer ribbons.
By 6 pm I called it a day and decided the 'simple black lace skirt' will have to wait for another day. 🙀