I had such fun making a little linen romper for my new great niece. I made it a few sizes bigger than she is now because I remember that when my kids were babies I received lots of things that were newborn size up to about three months and then all of a sudden....nothing! I also figured it would be easier to work in the bigger size!!! Luckily she lives in L.A. so I didn't have to worry about which season of the year she will end up fitting into it.
I was careful to steer clear of pink and totally fell in love with a soft aqua linen. It's a bit hard to see, but the selvedge of the linen has a single red thread and I wanted to incorporate it in the design. I ran it along the lower edge of the bodice. I am very pleased with the end result. I love the way the twill tape works for the straps and the hat was just too cute to resist!
Last year I made an oiled cotton canvas jacket for my "baby" and he was very excited about it. Living in London, it is the perfect fabric for rainy, damp days. I decided that since I knew the pattern (Merchant and Mills Foreman) was the right size I would try another version for this Christmas. I chose a bonded wool thinking I would not need to line it. About half way through I realized that a lining would make it a much nicer finished garment so I ended up basically making two coats and fitting them together. A bit of a puzzle, but OK in the end.
I used a nice heavy weight lining and it gives the jacket a nice hang. So glad I added it.
The trim of the coat is a really, really soft supple leather that was the perfect match for the wool. (Oh the things that come out of my stash closet!) I tested a bunch of different buttonholes and settled on a leather bound version. I think I spent more time on those buttonholes than the rest of the coat!
The pockets were fun to figure out. I don't think patch pockets are the most comfortable pockets to actually put your hands into but they are useful for 'stuff.' I added inseam pockets for hand warming.

The under collar is a wool jersey that really worked well to help shape the leather collar. I'm going to remember that combo.

...AND, it fit just right! Even when I am working with a pattern that I know has worked in the past I worry about the fit. Different fabrics can change the fit, so when I got these pictures I breathed a sigh of relief. Yeah!
We stopped in Captiva for Christmas with lots of my family before heading to Key West for the month of January. I wanted to figure out something that I could make a bunch of, something that was 'gender neutral' and something that I could pack and would be easy for the recipients to pack as well. I ended up making a whole passel of little fabric 'buckets.' I have one that I use for bread and chips. It's just the right size and it folds up nicely into a drawer when it's not full. Again my stash was full of great choices! I really didn't plan that it would be a stash busting project...just worked out that way!

I didn't actually count how many I ended up making. I kept pulling out fabrics that would work and thought, "Well, just one more!" I think I ended up with about 2 dozen. I still have some fabrics that I like, so I may make another batch when I get home in February!
It makes me feel old when I hear myself saying, "I can't believe another year is coming to an end!" BUT, I can't believe another year is coming to an end!!!!!! I already have some fun sewing adventures planned for 2020, so I am looking forward to the New Year. Sending these little notes and stories out into the universe often feels a bit self absorbed. I'm never sure if anyone will see them...so thank you for letting me share and commenting when something catches your fancy. I love the virtual connections. Thanks for coming along and wishing you your own sewing adventures in 2020.
It makes me feel old when I hear myself saying, "I can't believe another year is coming to an end!" BUT, I can't believe another year is coming to an end!!!!!! I already have some fun sewing adventures planned for 2020, so I am looking forward to the New Year. Sending these little notes and stories out into the universe often feels a bit self absorbed. I'm never sure if anyone will see them...so thank you for letting me share and commenting when something catches your fancy. I love the virtual connections. Thanks for coming along and wishing you your own sewing adventures in 2020.