Back in September a group of sewing buddies got together to make backpacks. We spent one VERY long day and finally the group mutinied, cried "uncle" and said they would come back for a second day to finish up the project. I was super proud that they really hung in there through a whole bunch of zippers and pockets, but it really is more than a one day sew. be continued....
Three of the "packers" were planning trips before the second round sewing day was scheduled, so we had an 'emergency' sewing session to get their packs ready for the road.
This color blocked version is made with nylon ripstop in bright, happy colors. It turned out great and weighs almost nothing!
This canvas pack has a darling butterfly lining. (and yes, the bottom of the pack did get finished!)
The maker of this pack never shies away from a challenge. She quilted several pieces of her pack before sewing them together. I think she only went through one package of heavy duty needles!!!
These lovely periwinkle and purple packs are made with water proof raincoat fabric. It's light weight and keeps everything inside nice and dry!
Two more rainwear packs...this time in tailored navy with fun aqua straps and a classic "LBP" (little black pack!)
This pack uses the same nylon print throughout which is lovely, however!...its' owner has the dubious honor of "most unsewing during the workshop!" Because all the pieces were the same, sometimes the wrong ones ended up getting sewn together....oops! Note for future packs, choose different fabrics! I am very proud that even with all the ripping, the pack turned out beautifully and the maker is recovering nicely.
She hasn't, however, committed to making another pack at this point.😏
"Hey, did we show up at the party with the same backpack?!"
...not we have another version of the "LBP" and a great mid century modern bark cloth print with cool rose gold colored zippers. One of our crew arranged to have all the zippers and hardware for the workshop made into kits. We used wonderful zippers and buckles from Sallie Tomato. If you need bag making supplies this is a great website. The zippers, particularly are excellent and come in a wonderful selection of colors.
I also finished my workshop pack...I had one that I was using to demonstrate with and I didn't want to be the only one who didn't finish her backpack....I really love the hardware on this one. I got it at the Farm and Family in the horse bridle department!!!! It also has an additional side pocket for sunglasses. I don't think the group would have sat still for one more pocket! 😵
It was a challenging couple of sewing days, but everyone stuck with it and the results are terrific! All the packs are different, but the one thing that everyone agreed on was what fun it is to sew together. We just don't do it often enough! I can't wait to see where all of these packs be continued....