
Bags, Hats and Transitions

 I have been "blogging" here since 2016.  It was the year I retired and my clever sons helped me start "Trial Balloons" to keep me out of trouble as I navigated the transition from working stiff to retiree.  I have shared my sewing room adventures and my journey to full fledged retired person, which was not always a smooth ride.  But, as with all my life transitions, sewing has been the steady rock that keeps me connected to my creativity and often to my sanity!  I have been surprised at how much I have enjoyed writing and sharing my projects here and with Threads Magazine.  I wasn't sure if I would like it or be any good at it...I have confirmed that I like it...I'll have to let you all decide if I am actually any good at it!  

Recently I have been sharing my projects on an instagram feed. (I think that is the right name for it?)  You can find it at @beckysewsalot.  I am finding that by the time I have posted something on instagram and maybe written a post for the Threads site that another post here feels quite repetitive!  I do try to share different things in different places but, it's a lot of sharing and I need time to actually sew!  I am liking the instagram format and how quick and easy it is to post something.  I find that I am using it much more often than I have been posting here...you may have noticed the lengthening intervals between my blog posts..... I have noticed that many of the blogs that I have followed along with are making the same observations and some have completely moved from the blog format to the instagram platform.  While I haven't decided yet if I will wrap things up here and move completely to instagram for my sharing, I do want to recognize that I am not here as often as I used to be and hope that those of you who have been following along on this adventure with me will be willing to come on over and see how instagram works.  For now I will keep both, but may not be as active here as before.

...alright...now for some sewing!

You all know I am a total "Bag Lady."  I love making me a bag!  This past year I think I may have added a new accessory to my list.  HATS!  Yup, I have been making hats.  Mainly, bucket hats.  My son likes to wear them for working outside and has asked for some.  And I love making the cute little ones as baby gifts.  I finally got around to making one for myself which I love.  It's not a bucket, but I really enjoyed using the same techniques from the buckets to make a sunny hat version.  As with my bags, I think there may be lots of tweaking and prototyping to get to the "perfect" hat...but that's the fun!  

Here is the last batch of buckets for my son...

Here is the latest baby version...I have a little pea head, but this is even too small for me!  

Just so you don't think I have completely abandoned my bag fetish...here is the latest bag adventure...my sewing buddy wanted to make her own version of my convertible back-pack...she was a trooper!  I can figure it out but writing the instructions is a whole other skill set...maybe some day!  But she hung in and got a great little bag.  

....And my sunny hat!  

I am also having a moment with a new pattern that I made for using jersey and woven fabrics together.  The dress in the picture with my new red bag is the long version and the shirt in the sunny hat picture is a short version.  It has cut-on sleeves, is finished with ribbing at the neck, hem and cuffs, and takes about a half hour to make!!!!!  There will definitely be more of these down the pike!

Please also check out the Threads Magazine site for the series I have been doing this year, "Riffs on a Tried and True Pattern."  I don't post those projects here until Threads posts them so that's the best way to see them right away.  

I am very grateful for the comments and thoughts that have been shared here and hope we can continue to share here (though not as often) at Threads and on @beckysewsalot!  Thanks for coming along!

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